304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Patent Pending
World’s First Breakthrough Discovery that Quickly, Safely,
and Effortlessly Erases All Trauma-based Memories
In the Unconscious Mind… Within Days!

  Our mission is to instill a sense of optimism and hope in people’s
lives by erasing old, disturbing memories of trauma that are
holding them back from living the life they’ve always
dreamed, and envisioned for themselves.


Science fiction or reality?
How would you like to completely and permanently erase all
of those intrusive, haunting, traumatic memories from your
past—in one go?

Like the time you got into that horrific car accident; or the time your teacher humiliated and shamed in front of the class; or
when you were bullied or sexually assaulted as a teenager; or
when you almost drowned; or when you were faced with news
of a family member’s death; or when you suffered a terrifying medical emergency.

All of these experiences are not only buried in your
unconscious mind, they are also hard-wired in your brain, resulting in fear, social phobias, anxiety, self-doubt, chronic stress, self-consciousness, and depression.

No, you won’t be able to erase actual traumatic events or the memories of those past events.

However, you will be able to erase every traumatic memory-response to that event, including negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, and stress responses associated with that trauma—
just as if the event had never happened.

This is made possible through a ¡disruptive! breakthrough technology called Trauma Erase.

Frequency blueprint
Every traumatic event in a person’s life leaves a material-frequency imprint on the unconscious mind—as all things in the universe vibrate.

These material imprints vibrate at very low frequencies. As
these imprints accumulate in the unconscious mind, they
form what we call a “frequency blueprint.”

This blueprint has an overall low frequency associated with it.

If you want to erase the low-frequency imprints that are buried
in the unconscious mind, all you have to do is raise the overall frequency of this blueprint by introducing a higher frequency either “on top of” or “over” the existing aberrant blueprint.

Then the old blueprint will start vibrating at this newly introduced, higher harmonic frequency. 

Why? Because everything in the universe gravitates to, or towards, a harmonic state—to a state of wholeness,
completeness, and growth.

Even the neuropathways associated with this past trauma will change, meaning: the nerve connections that store the trauma
will cease to exist. 


How will Trauma Erase change your life?

The traumatic feelings, emotions, images, sounds, memories,
and thoughts that your brain had previously associated with
past traumatic events, will no longer exist
this includes both
childhood trauma as well as very recent trauma.

Thus, your previous knee-jerk reactions to anything associated
with this past trauma will no longer play out in real time—in
your mind. 

Why? Because the traumatic memory-responses associated
with this past trauma have been affectedly erased or overwritten.

How long does it take to see results?

Typically, 7 to 21 days, although you might respond more

What’s steps are involved in taking Trauma Erase?

The process is simple and safe. All you do is take four, small
round pellets (2mm in diameter), once a day.

These pellets are made of 100% pharmaceutical cane sugar with
24 flower essence frequencies embedded into each pellet.

The pellets are lactose- and additive-free; have no scent or taste,
and do not contain any flower particles, whatsoever.

Instead, they contain only the healing codes or healing frequencies
of the flowers themselves.


  How does this process work?

  You simply place four pellets under your tongue and allow them
  to dissolve naturally.

  There is no talk therapy involved; no special diet, no forms to
  fill in, and no requirement that you need to adhere to. The
  process involves only about eight seconds of your time, each

  Also, you do not need to relive this trauma in any way, yet the              trauma will be effortlessly erased or overwritten in your 
  unconscious mind.

  What about psychiatric drugs?

  People who don’t take addictive, mind-bending psychotropic
  drugs will definitely see far superior results than those who
  take them and or are addicted to them.

  Psychiatric drugs have a tendency to continually and repeatedly            traumatize patients’ minds and emotions, causing everything
  from depression to suicidal thoughts, and everything in between.

  Is it safe to take Trauma Erase?

  Yes, flower essences have been used for thousands of years,
  and work fabulously well on a person’s mental-emotional
  health… better than any modality out there… hands down!

  Flower essences are non-addictive, have zero side effects,
  no contraindications, and can be taken by people of all ages,
  including pregnant and lactating women.


  Will Trauma Erase also erase good memories from my past?

  No, that’s impossible, as this remedy only changes or raises
  the low vibrational frequency imprints of aberrant, painful
  memories of trauma.

  Good memories vibrate at very high frequencies, while bad                  memories vibrate at very low frequencies… so the remedy will
  have no effect on your good memories.

  In fact, many people report that their memories of past,
  pleasurable experiences were even more  vivid and real than

  Will this remedy work for a traumatic event that occurred
  an hour ago?

  Yes, because the whole frequency “terrain” of your unconscious          mind has changed, so any newly formed trauma-based memories          won’t be able to maintain their low-frequency state within the              unconscious mind.

  This above shift may not come about instantly, because there is
  a process that everything needs to go through. However, this
  shift will definitely occur.

  Some people claim that it’s a bad idea to erase past trauma.

  Yes, and these same people argue: “If I get burned on a hot                    stove, then I later take Trauma Erase to erase the memory of
  trauma associated with that event, won’t I be putting myself in              danger?”

  No, you won’t. Why? Because the remedy is only erasing the                emotional trauma associated with that event, it is not erasing
  the reality that hot stoves can and do burn people.

  What happens if I erase a traumatic memory, then one day
  I want to relive or vividly experience 
that memory?

   You won’t be able to relive it with the same emotional content
   as before, that’s for sure. You will still 
be able to remember it,               though, but it will be as if it never happened to you.

  If I no longer have traumatic memories intruding into my
  mind, what state will my mind be in?

  Your mind will become surprisingly still. Why? Because the
  past traumatic events, feeling, thoughts, emotions, sights, and
  sounds that used to occupy your mind—including worries and              concerns for the future—have all been erased, so naturally your
  mind will become still.

  It’s easier to erase the memories of trauma, than to “work              through” them.

  Many professionals believe that the only way to heal yourself
  of trauma, is you first need to “unpack” the trauma buried in
  your unconscious mind (to expose it); then you need to relive
  it; and then you need to “work through it.”
  Yet, we’ve seen 70-year-olds take Trauma Erase and
  successfully erase stubborn, entrenched 
trauma-based beliefs
  in under two minutes… life-long beliefs such as “I’m unlovable,”
  or “I don’t deserve happiness,” or “I am not worthy of a loving              relationship.”

  What type of packaging does Trauma Erase come in?

  First off, we only sell on a wholesale basis, not retail. Trauma              Erase comes in 10ml amber glass, easy-to-carry bottles,
  wrapped in a full-length tamper-resistant safety seal. Each
  bottle contains 
240 pellets, or a two-month supply.  

  What other technologies do you use when making Trauma              Erase?

  We use Scalar Waves which are created by a pair of identical
  waves, usually called the wave and its anti-wave but are 180
  degrees out-of-phase.

  Our negative thoughts affect our cells adversely. Employing
  Scalar Waves allows our cells to utilize their own innate
  wisdom for self-healing beyond our conscious input.

  Scalar energy raises the vibratory frequency of anything
  placed within its field including the blood 
of your body and
  water of your cells.


30-Minute Discovery Call

If you (or your company) are interested in learning more about this patent-pending technology, and how it can benefit your company’s mission, purpose, and bottom line, then please click, here  to schedule a 30-minute discovery call with us.

We look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.

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Newport, DE 19804

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7 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST

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